

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

What a way to start a season... Live and Learn...

It's been a long two and a half weeks. The tournament results weren't quite what I had planned but after a practice with only 1 keeper and one short fish, I feel certainly blessed to have been able to put a little sumpin sumpin together. Even if only to prevent me from acquiring the dreaded "Double Goose", I am proud of the fact I caught 2 more keepers that I had in 6 whole days of practice given the conditions.

You know it's funny how this sport works in that even in a situation with conditions as brutal as we had there is always a silver lining. If your optimistic even with a royal butt whippin' you can learn. In most cases it's "what not to do next time" but when we have this mentality there is something we often overlook.

In almost every case wether we see it or not you can take several days worth of horrible fishing and in hind site figure what you should or could have done differently. For me personally, 9 out of 10 times my gut told me what to do and I always have a plethora of excuses as to why I didn't act on instinct.

In my opinion it's like many critical situations we encounter in life. Our hunch's speak loud and clear but our minds being the control freaks they are by design say no. If it doesn't make since in our minds we are far less likely to take a risk.

It's time I put my foot down. If I am going to make it anywhere in this sport I have to be willing to risk more. If I get that hunch about a technique or pattern that should work I will at the very least try it. I'm only selling myself short in most cases if i don't.

Well I think its time to turn in. My little princess will be up and at em before you know it and I have SOOO much to catch up on tomorrow after being gone for two weeks.

Nite y'all...

Mike posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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