

Friday, February 11, 2011

Lake Lewisville 2011 Night 1

As usual I got a late start. Finally get home from the old fire station after a few necessary stops and start loading things up. The plan was to leave by about 4:30 to get to Moms in Ft Worth at a decent rime and unload and visit.

Fast forward to 7:30 and off we go, "Black Betty" with "Red Ruby" in tow and Halo and I buckled in tight for our journey west. I was a little nervous about the road conditions ahead but had been getting reports that the roads in the DFW didn't really ever get that dangerous.

The trip flew by as Haleigh Bug was out cold within and hour and I pretty much spent the whole trip after that on the phone with my favorite Legend Rep Cindy. With all the excitement we have planned over the next 6 months (i.e. Bassmaster Classic, Red River Big Bass Extravaganza, Bass Life Banquet) it's easy to do.

Finally touched down in Rhome, Tx around 11:30 and fortunately baby girl remained asleep or else OMG it would have been a LONG night. Unpacked got everything settled in and went to work on a little map study.

I'll be honest with ya, I was a little discombobulated about where I should initially start, but after looking over my good old handy dandy iPhone Navionics app I feel much better. Now that's assuming it's accurate. It usually is but there can be some slight differences from the actual contours from time to time like , oh let's say a 2 ft hump that's actually a 60 ft valley on Amistad.

After 86 waypoints dropped on just 1/6th of the lake, 1% battery life on my phone and discovering that this should be more than enough to keep me busy for a while tomorrow I'm off to bed. As soon as any light peaks through the window Lil Bit will be coming at me with her famous "GET UP DAEEEEE!"

For those who really give a darnI'll try to post notes from day to day just to kind of give you an idea of what a day in my life can be like. These next 18 days are gonna be quite exciting. Well for me anyway. I only hope that it will all end with the same result as my last fishing expedition in Texas. Fingers crossed.....

Peace out...

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